MP3 Organizer - What's New?
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MP3 Organizer
MP3s' List
MP3s Mover
Integrity Viewer
  What's New? - MP3 Organizer's History  
Bug Fix Change New Feature New language caption Removed
Bug Fix MP3 Organizer was not finding some of the files on Winamp's playlist.
Bug Fix Lyrics: The times were not added as the first characters of each lyrics' line.
New feature Lyrics: The -5 button was added, to allow the user perform an 'instant replay'.
Bug Fix A second folder was not added, if it was the same as before. This is the common case when adding several CDs, and the folder is always "D:", for example).
Changed The mask to create the CD-books was enhanced. It allows spaces and different separator other than the hyphen.
Bug Fix Artist's first letters query was not working correctly.
New language caption 'AssociateMP3' caption added in the languages' files.
New feature MP3s files can be associated with MP3 Organizer- If the user double-clicked on an MP3 file, MP3 Organizer would process it and play it with Winamp.
New feature Lyrics: MP3 Organizer is compatible with enhanced LRC format. Despite MP3 Organizer's interfase cannot let you set the times, you can download LRC files or do them on your own and paste them on the MP3's tag.
Changed It uses the same control to create the context-menus.
Changed Web Installer button has not the cancel property as true in the Version's dialog box.
New feature Web Installer: The OCX's 1.0.20 version was released.
New language caption 'Common' caption added in the languages' files.
Bug Fix If the ID3V2's genre was a custom one, the Edit Task dialog box was not showing it.
New language caption 'CRC' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Problem' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'ListOfProblems' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'CheckCRC' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'SizeDontMatch' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'CRCDidNotMatch' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'TimeOut' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'AllTheFilesAreUpToDate' caption added in the languages' files.
New feature Web Installer's interfase can be translated
New language caption 'WebInstallerCouldNotAccessTheSite' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'RegisteringFile' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'WillBeUpdateAfterClosing' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'WebInstallerIsGoingToBeUpdated' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'PleaseExecuteWBIFromApplicationFolder' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'TheConfigurationWasNotFound' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'NumberOfFiles' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'FilesToCheck' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'GettingData' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'FileName' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Description' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Path' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Size' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'ServerVersion' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'InstalledVersion' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'AnalyzingFile' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'FilesToDownload' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'DownloadingFiles' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'DownloadingTheListOfFiles' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Progress' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Read' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Ok' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Cancel' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Information' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Server' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'InstallerPage' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'ApplicationPage' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'ValidatingPass' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Close' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Proceed' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Tools' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'ViewInformation' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'About' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Help' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Options' caption added in the languages' files.
New feature Integration with 'Web Installer' through MP3 Organizer's interfase.
New feature If the user has a TipOfDay.txt file in another language, he/she can set MP3 Organizer to use this file.
New feature Newsletter warning
Changed The history's form changed.
New language caption 'AlternativeMask' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'CreatePlayList' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'cmdRemove' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'cmdDone' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'frmLists' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'ShowMP3sOnPlayList' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'ListMP3sOnFile' caption added in the languages' files.
Bug Fix Some bugs with the Mask Dialog box were fix.
Bug Fix When you add a new CD to the database, the first CD was renamed.
Bug Fix MP3 Organizer's process was not being killed after the user shuts it down.
New feature You can create a Winamp's PlayList with the contents of the ListView.
New feature Popupmenu for playlist
Bug Fix Some MP3's fields were not added to the DB correctly.
Bug Fix The text on the CD-Book index might not be masked correctly.
New language caption 'FldTrk' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'IndexCreated' caption added in the languages' files.
New feature Added the 'Delete from DB' option to delete a file from the database.
Bug Fix There were some errors when adding MP3s from a CD.
New language caption 'AreYouSureWannaDeleteFromDB' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'DeleteFromDB' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'DeleteFromDB' caption added in the languages' files.
Bug Fix The 'By CDs' node's context menu was not working correctly.
Bug Fix Right-Click over the LV was not selecting the item first.
Changed Minor changes to the create-index feature.
New feature The ListView shows a different icon according to the drive where the MP3's saved.
New feature Feature to create a CD-Book index with the saved files in a CD.
New language caption 'ActualMask' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Adding' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'CreateFileIndex' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'CreateFolderIndex' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'CreateIndex' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'FileName' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'FirstFolder' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Folder' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'IfOneFieldMissing' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Indexes' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'NeedToRetrieveExtraInfo' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'NoMaskSelected' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'NotPlaying' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Paused' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Playing' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Retrieving83' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Unknown' caption added in the languages' files.
Bug Fix Some of the older captions were not been translated when switching between languages.
Bug Fix The albums were shown twice in the 'Artist & Album' nodes.
Bug Fix Some bugs fixed when selecting multiple items.
New feature Integration with 'Web Installer'.
Bug Fix The 'first letter' nodes were not working as they should.
Bug Fix Fixed the routine which checks newer versions.
New feature Added a minimum size for the main form.
Bug Fix Bug with some extensions (.m3u) on some machines didn't let MP3 Organizer to run.
Changed Changed the link to download the new 'Winamp 5' instead of 'Winamp 5'
Changed Changed the 'WinampNotFoundProblem' caption
Changed Changed the 'WinampNotFoundSolution1' caption
Changed Changed the 'WinampNotFoundSolution2' caption
Bug Fix The information in the StatusBar (number of items found) was not deleted if playing an MP3.
New language caption 'Item' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Items' caption added in the languages' files.
New feature If 'Winamp 2' is not installed, it alerts the user to install if he/she wants to play the MP3s.
New language caption 'Problem' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Solution' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'WinampNotFoundProblem' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'WinampNotFoundSolution1' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'WinampNotFoundSolution2' caption added in the languages' files.
Bug Fix MP3 Organizer crashes when double-clik on some files.
Changed TreeView-parent's node is opened if we clicked on a ListView's folder (an its parent's node was closed).
Bug Fix Some MP3's could not be added by 'MP3 Organizer', due to the lenght of some fields.
Bug Fix If an album had multiple artists, it didn't show in the Artist&Album's node.
Bug Fix The VersionInfo's dialog box didn't translate all the captions.
New feature Search by fields added.
New feature Track field is shown in the ListView if we're browsing and 'Album' or a 'Artist & Album' item.
Bug Fix WebStyle's info and ListView's fields didn't get translated when the language is changed.
New language caption 'CouldNotFindTheSong' caption added in the languages' files.
New feature New button to find the song that's playing within MP3 Organizer.
Bug Fix MP3s files for CDR-drives can be added
Bug Fix When opening an MP3 with the tag editor (from the file menu) the selected item's info (in the listview) gets refreshed as if this item was the one we were editing.
Changed MP3s' Utilities have his own registry key.
Bug Fix Some buttons in the toolbar were enabled when they shouldn't.
Bug Fix MP3s files for Network drives can be added.
Bug Fix MP3 Organizer crashed when the search dialog box was closed.
Bug Fix 'Tag Editor' option from the 'File' menu crashed (since ver. 1.6.26)
Bug Fix The app crashes if selected more than one MP3 while displaying the contents of an M3U.
New language caption 'PreviousSong' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'PlaySong' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'PauseSong' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'StopSong' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'NextSong' caption added in the languages' files.
Changed Buttons which control Winamp: Enabled/disabled status added.
Bug Fix Bugs adding new MP3s (since ver. 1.6.26)
Bug Fix When there was no album in an artist's node, it raised a run-time error (since ver. 1.6.26)
New feature History dialog box: New icon to show the captions added into the languages files.
Changed Contact information changed. I changed the email contact in the tech support dialog box.
New language caption 'NewLanguageCaption' caption added in the languages' files.
New feature 'Add Folder' added to the File menu.
New feature 'Select All' added to the Tools menu.
New feature 'Invert Selection' added to the Tools menu.
New feature 'Create lists w/ ListView's contents' added to the Tools menu.
New feature 'By CD' node added to the treeview.
New language caption 'AddFolder' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'CDFolder' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'CDFolders' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'SelectAll' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'InvertSelection' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'ShowMP3sOnCD' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'ListMP3sOnFile' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'DeleteCDfromDB' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'RenameCD' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'TypeTheNewNameForTheCD' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'CDsName' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'AreYouSureWannaDeleteCD' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'GenerateLists' caption added in the languages' files.
Changed UI's Language changes without re-starting.
Bug Fix Misspell at 'By Artist & Album' in other languages.
Changed Contact information changed. I changed the email contact in the about dialog box.
Bug Fix Rename's possible errors fixed.
New language caption 'CannotRename' caption added in the languages' files.
Bug Fix If Winamp got killed while playing, MP3 Organizer kept saying that the file is being played.
Changed The associated icons gets refreshed whenever they're changed.
Bug Fix Search's WebInfo was not showing sometimes.
New feature Add to Winamp's PlayList (to the end of list, to set the queue).
Changed WebInfo refreshs more smoothly.
Bug Fix Edit MP3 bug (since 1.6.19)
Bug Fix TreeView stayed disabled after setting a new path.
Changed TreeView losts focus when you click a letter.
Changed All the fields are shown on the ListView. Even the field which we searched for.
New feature Full Path & Name is shown in the Tag Editor.
Changed Search by artist enhanced.
Removed feature Duplicate Entry is not needed anymore because of the Artist-seeking enhancement.
New feature The node 'Artist And Album' was added.
Changed You could not cancel the name of a new playlist being added.
New language caption 'PlaylistIsNotReady' caption added in the languages' files.
New feature Song controls added to the Toolbar.
New feature Address can be written in the Address bar.
New language caption 'DeviceUnavailable' caption added in the languages' files.
Bug Fix Click on "My Computer" crashed.
New feature If a drive is not ready (in preferences), you get a warning message.
Changed Also allow sending email with bugs when adding a whole folder.
Bug Fix Search function
Bug Fix Eliminates all the 'not valid' chars from fields.
Changed OS recognition enhanced.
Bug Fix Browsing bug
Bug Fix Empty Artist and Title only shows MP3 with no info.
Changed Empty Album, Year, etc. are not shown in the TreeView.
Changed First letter's node now hangs from a 'First letter' node.
Bug Fix ListView's contents only loads once.
Bug Fix Drag&Drop adding method didn't refresh the Integrity Report OK.
Bug Fix If MP3 or M3U extensions hadn't an associated icon the program crashed.
New feature Translator application created and added as an add-in. Not included on the Utilities' package.
Bug Fix Some tooltips corrected
New language caption 'SaveTimes' caption added in the languages' files.
Changed Browsing enhanced -not refreshing when not needed-
Bug Fix Rename option of popup menu loaded the Export dialog box.
Bug Fix Duplicate entry didn't work from 1.6.6.
Changed Integrity Report gets updated with any MP3's problem
Changed Integrity Viewer allows to create the tag out of the filename.
New language caption 'Open' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'SelectAll' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'CreateTagsFromName' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Fields' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'SetTasksMask' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'DragAndDropTheFieldsToCreateTheMask' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'EditMask' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'ClearMask' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'TheFieldsCannotBeEditedOnlyTheSeparators' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Example' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'TypeTheNewSeparator' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'TheMaskIsNotSet' caption added in the languages' files.
Bug Fix If changing nodes too quickly sometimes it crashes.
New feature Letters A-Z and symbols added to Artist's node.
New feature Letters A-Z and symbols added to Title's node.
New feature Typing on the genre combobox would select the first match.
Changed If the MP3 has no tag, the file gets added anyway.
New feature Integrity Viewer added.
New feature Autocheck for newer versions.
New feature Ability to disable Autocheck at startup.
New language caption 'SeeWhatsNew' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'AutoCheckForNewerVersion' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'NewerVersionAvailableWannaSeeInfo' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'CheckTheVersionsThereShouldBeAtLeastOneNewer' caption added in the languages' files.
Bug Fix 'Mark All' and 'Unmark All' (in the search dialog box) were swapped when translated.
New feature CD Files can also be organized and be inform in which CD they are.
New language caption 'EmailError' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'InputInformation' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'NoInfoTyped' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'RemovableDiskNotReady' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'WhatDidYouDo' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Label' caption added in the languages' files.
Bug Fix PlayList's Remove button not enabled when empty
Bug Fix Search function crashes if it was closed when searching.
New language caption 'TranslatedBy' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Translator' caption added in the languages' files.
New language caption 'Title' caption added in the languages' files.
New feature Information about the translator in the About dialog box.
Bug Fix Could not select 'Desktop' in the preferences.
Bug Fix 'Apply' and then 'OK' (in preferences) executed everything twice.
Changed Emailing Bugs includes much information (needed to analyse the bug).
Bug Fix MouseWheel on the LV showed a separator between the LV and WebStyle.
Bug Fix Custom genre get showed in the tag editor.
New language caption 'ByField' caption added in the languages' files.
Bug Fix One-Field's column wasn't translated.
Changed VersionInfo data
New feature MOF files and associated with notepad
Bug Fix If WebStyle info was too long, the scroll bar could not be shown and crashed.
Bug Fix WebStyle's scrollbar didn't work
New feature MP3 Browser
New feature Toolbar added.
Bug Fix WebStyle translation's bug.
Bug Fix Refresh of item's data crashed when updated an 'external' file (through the Tag Editor).
New feature WebStyle for the main listview added.
Changed ListView updates when browsing the nodes with the arrow keys.
Changed Didn't update the fields on the database when you erase its contents.
Changed ListView refreshes its contents when the MP3's been edited.
Changed No more '_' on the captions where it should read '&'.
New feature Icons for the menu's options.
New feature Song Controls on the popmenu.
New feature 'Tag Editor' for files that are not listed yet.
New feature Multiple language interface supported.
New feature If the MP3 Directory was deleted (or renamed) the preferences' dialog box crashes
Bug Fix MP3s with ID3v1 but not ID3v2 could not be added.
Bug Fix EditTag crashes when trying to disable the ID3v2's frame (whenever it didn't exist).
Bug Fix Message 'MP3 was duplicated correctly' is not shown if it was cancelled.
Bug Fix If ID3v2 was empty, duplicate entry didn't show the artist (as default).
Bug Fix More effective way to find the MP3's header (and show the correct info).
New feature MP3 Organizer would now tell you when an MP3 could not be added.
New feature MP3's header information added in the Tag Editor.
New feature If the database got corrupted (by any cause) it would tell you to download a new version of the database file.
Bug Fix The search window shows all the items selected (within the web info)
New feature Online forums added.
New feature Online tutorials added.
Changed 'Check newer version on Internet' enhanced.
Bug Fix The ListView changes its information when the node got collapsed.
New feature 'Add file' added.
Changed 'Refresh Tree' enhanced.
Bug Fix If 'Add Playlist' was cancelled it crashes.
New feature Tips at startup.
New feature Help file added.
New feature Technical Support contact.
New feature Check newer version on Internet.
New feature New way to get the MP3 Organizer's configuration.
Bug Fix Problem ocurred when no MP3's Path was selected. (the first time you run the program, for example)
Bug Fix When the Lyrics showed a "[" within them, and it didn't mean a time (for lyrics Auto-highlighting) the MP3 Organizer crashes.
Bug Fix M.O. crashed the second time you opened the 'Search' dialog box.
New feature Auto-highlight of the words to sing, if the times are saved within the lyrics.
Bug Fix The lyrics didn't change (to show the new song being played) if the previous song's lyrics were shown
New feature Utility to set the highlighting-times of each line (lyrics)
Changed Placed the Progress Bar (when generating database) to the Status Bar.
Bug Fix Correction to the way that it saves the ID3v1
New feature Rename of files included.
Bug Fix When changing the track in the ID3v1, the comments appeared with a weird character at the end.
Changed Search function improved ('OR', 'AND' & 'Exact Phrase' type of search were added).
Bug Fix Winamp's playlist was deleted every 30 seconds for refreshing purposes. But if Winamp was closed, when it opened the list was empty. No more deletion when it's closed.
New feature AddressBar added to the preferences to see the full path of the folder.
Bug Fix When selecting a drive (C:\) the count of files was wrong.
New feature References to the icons in the history (above this box).
Changed Enlargement of the Folders and File boxes in the preferences Dialog box.
New feature Search function added.
New feature MP3 Organizer version's History added.

Click here to goto Downloads.

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